In this write-up, we’ll delve into how, through differential fuzzing, we uncovered a bug in Go’s exp/net HTML’s tokenizer. We’ll show potential XSS implications of this flaw. Additionally, we’ll outline how Google assessed this finding within their VRP program and guide how to engage and employ fuzzing to evaluate your software.
Reminisce with me the discussion boards of 2005. Open to all, searchable from every corner, with no account needed to peek in. Ah, those golden days of thriving communities and quality content. Imagine we’re building one now though, in Go.

Pardon my sentiment for a moment. Let’s dive into a feature you might find essential for the product: support of safe HTML in user content, like <strong>
.. Yes, there’s markdown, BBCode and other markup languages out there which one should use instead. Ignore those sane options for a minute though.
Early 2000s had a quite lax attitude towards security, but we’re well into a third decade of the century now and leaving a site vulnerable to XSS attacks wouldn’t end up well. And so we’ll need to make sure that our validation code is effective at stopping bad actors.
How’d you check if a HTML is safe?
Since we’re building this in Go we might be aware of the html
package, which according to the documentation:
implements an HTML5-compliant tokenizer and parser
Assuming the tokenizer operates equally to how it does in a browser, one might believe the following code to be secure.
In short, we are filtering out anything that’s not strong
or has HTML attributes.
func IsSafe(content io.Reader) bool {
tok := html.NewTokenizer(content)
for {
tt := tok.Next()
switch tt {
case html.StartTagToken:
name, hasAttr := tok.TagName()
if hasAttr || string(name) != "strong" {
return false
case html.ErrorToken:
if tok.Err() == io.EOF {
return true
return false
case html.TextToken, html.EndTagToken:
return false
return true
Let’s also write some tests to raise our confidence in the solution:
func TestIsSafe(t *testing.T) {
expected := map[string]bool{
"<strong>test</strong>": true,
"<script>test</script>": false,
"<script/>test": false,
"<b>test</b>": false,
`<strong onclick="">test</strong>`: false,
`<!-- comment --><strong>test</strong>`: false,
for payload, safe := range expected {
payload := payload
safe := safe
t.Run(payload, func(t *testing.T) {
if IsSafe(strings.NewReader(payload)) != safe {
t.Fatalf("expected %v for %s", safe, payload)
$ go test -run=TestIsSafe
ok 0.002s
Despite all our tests passing, something doesn’t sit right with me. Examining the Tokenizer implementation, it’s evident that it doesn’t strictly follow the WHATWG spec that shows an explicit state machine.
For instance, when reviewing the following snippet from the net/html source code1, it’s clear there aren’t defined state transitions. It seems to parse content in a pretty naive way.
So with that information we’d like to understand if our IsSafe
function is actually safe (spoiler alert - it’s not) and under what circumstances it would trip. To do that we’ll use differential fuzzing.
What is fuzz testing and differential fuzzing
In short, fuzz testing is a type of testing that involves generating random inputs and passing them to the system being tested. In the standard fuzz testing approach, the fuzzing engine usually monitors the program for crashes and unexpected memory accesses. Most of the time when writing fuzzers no explicit assertions are made. Fuzz testing is extremely effective at finding vulnerabilities. However, what I find even more effective is differential fuzzing, where two implementations of a given logic are compared against each other.
Regular Fuzz tests complement your unit test suite really well. I’ll argue they are easier to write than unit tests, since you usually don’t make assertions. Furthermore, existing unit tests can be converted to fuzz tests with minimal effort.
I won’t go into more detail how Fuzzing works, there are great resources online, take a look at the excellent Go Fuzzing Tutorial for examples or have a look at the following two code snippets.
Your simplest fuzz test will look like this:
func FuzzFoo(f *testing.F) {
f.Add("bar") // seed corpus
f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, in string) {
Foo(in) // function being tested
Your differential fuzz test will look like this:
func FuzzFoo(f *testing.F) {
f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, in string) {
if(YourFooImpl(in) != ReferenceFooImpl(in)) {
Picking a fuzz testing candidate
Below is a non-exhaustive list of what I consider to be good fuzz testing candidates:
- parsers
- encoders/decoders
- marshallers/unmarshallers
- complex code in general that can be unit tested
The code should also:
- be snappy to execute - fuzz testing benefits from high throughput
- have no side effects - to not confuse the fuzzing engine
Fuzzing the Go standard library
A few months ago, a friend of mine found a security vulnerability in Go’s HTML tokenizer, recorded a video about it, and was featured in the Go Weekly newsletter.
Tokenizing is one of the first steps when parsing HTML. It’s also a step required for input sanitization to accept HTML user generated content.
Seeing how complex the tokenizer codebase is, I knew this was a good candidate for fuzzing and it was likely that there are more bugs lurking around the codebase so I decided to give it a go. I assumed it’s already pretty well tested to not crash, so I’m mostly after logic issues and spec non-compliance. Since regular fuzzing won’t detect business logic discrepancies, we’ll need differential fuzzing for that.
Looking for a second tokenizer implementation
We’ll need a second implementation to compare against. The initial idea was to use a tokenizer from a web browser engine such as Blink or Servo. The problem with those tokenizer is that they are not easy to extract from the complex codebase nor write C bindings for. Although we could use something like SWIG I decided not to as I was just starting with fuzzing at that point and needed something easy to evaluate my approach. I thought there must be something out there written in C that I can call via CGO. And indeed there’s - Lexbor.
Lexbor claims to be more or the less what we need.
We build a web browser engine available as a software library; it ships under the Apache 2.0 license and has no extra dependencies.
Sounds about to be what we’re after.
What shall we compare?
To visualize the tokenization process consider the following input:
Tokenization will split the input into tokens, in this case:
StartTag - strong
Text - test
EndTag - strong
StartTag - a
We could compare the tokenization output of two implementations and fail the test if it differs.
To start off let’s write a simple abstraction to represent the list of tokens coming from both implementations:
type Token struct {
Name string
Type html.TokenType
type TokenizeFunc func(input string) ([]Token, error)
I’ll skip implementation details for now, as it’s mostly translating the API of Lexbor and net/html to this new implementation. You’ll find links to the code towards the end of this post.
Building Our Fuzzing Test
Given the implementation above we can start comparing the outputs. In essence the fuzz test should look as follows:
func FuzzTokenize(f *testing.F) {
for _, test := range tests {
f.Fuzz(func(t *testing.T, input string) {
lexborTokens, err := LexborTokens(input)
if err != nil {
netTokens, err := NetTokens(input)
if err != nil {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(lexborTokens, netTokens) {
t.Errorf("lexbor tokenization mismatches net/html tokenization: for: %s, lexbor: %v, net: %v", lexborTokens, netTokens, input)
Note that the actual implementation is much more complex as it has to handle discrepancies between the tokenizers, and there are a ton!
I won’t go into more implementation details in this blog post. You can find the implementation in this repository. It’s a bunch of hacky CGO code on top of more hacky comparison code. We won’t catch all the bugs, but it’s a good start.
Fuzz Test Outcomes
So let’s see what happens when we run the fuzz test now.
go test -fuzz=FuzzTokenize -run=^$
fuzz: elapsed: 0s, gathering baseline coverage: 0/11 completed
fuzz: elapsed: 0s, gathering baseline coverage: 11/11 completed, now fuzzing with 20 workers
fuzz: elapsed: 1s, execs: 201040 (297903/sec), new interesting: 139 (total: 150)
--- FAIL: FuzzTokenize (0.68s)
--- FAIL: FuzzTokenize (0.00s)
lexbor_test.go:65: length mismatch:
lexbor =[{Name:a Type:StartTag}],
net =[]
not equal, input: <A =">
What this means is that net/html
Tokenizer does not see any HTML tags in that input, whereas Lexbor sees an a
Let’s take <A =">
and make it execute some JS like <script =">alert(1)</script>

Let’s see what our IsSafe
function thinks about it by expanding our test suite:
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ func TestIsSafe(t *testing.T) {
"<script/>test": false,
"<b>test</b>": false,
`<strong onclick="">test</strong>`: false,
+ `<script =">alert(1)</script>`: false,
--- FAIL: TestIsSafe (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestIsSafe/<strong>test</strong> (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestIsSafe/<script>test</script> (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestIsSafe/<script/>test (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestIsSafe/<b>test</b> (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestIsSafe/<strong_onclick="">test</strong> (0.00s)
--- FAIL: TestIsSafe/<script_=">alert(1)</script> (0.00s)
exit status 1
The issue stems from the incorrect parsing of attributes in the tag. The spec allows dangling =
characters, but the Tokenizer doesn’t support it.
Let’s take it to the Google Vulnerability Program (VRP)
Google Vulnerability Program
Reporting the finding to VRP
We’ve found a bug in the Tokenizer which may or may not be viewed as a security concern. As a result, I’ve decided to submit it to the Google Vulnerability Program, maybe I could get some coffee pocket change.
There’s parsing inconsistency between
and web browsers leading to potential XSS injection attack.Consider the following input:
. When ran through html.Tokenizer one will get html.StartTagToken with a Token.Data equal to script followed by EOF ErrorToken This is a correct and expected behavior.Consider a very similar input:
<script =">alert(window.location.href)</script>
. This time around the html.Tokenizer only shows the EOF ErrorToken, while browser parses this to<script ="="">alert(window.location.href)</script>
potentially leading to script injection and execution.“x/net/html” version: v0.7.0 Attack scenario
Consider a website with a comment system where certain HTML tags are allowed. For the purpose of this report let’s say h1 are safe and allowed. To make sure that comments only have h1 tags one will use the x/net/html.Tokenizerand listen for
.Due to this vulnerability an attacker can smuggle a
tag and execute arbitrary javascript on the website leading to XSS and potential data exfiltration from the website.
After about two weeks Google responded with the following:
Status: Won’t Fix (Intended Behavior)
This is working as intended. Tokenizer just tokenizes, it doesn’t guarantee that the input will be parsed the same by the browser. When the HTML semantics matter (and they do for XSS) the browser should see the output of the parser (i.o.w., for XSS, don’t assume that tokenizer output alone can tell you anything about whether the content does not contain JS). In general, whenever there’s some parsing involved, the recommended approach to remove “badness” is to regenerate the well-formed output via the parser, instead of making checks and rejecting some inputs via tokenizing.
This was recently documented in (we have had reported a similar bug recently). We know that there are HTML sanitizers in golang that rely on the tokenizer, and possibly these particular payloads would work under certain configurations - this would be a bug in those sanitizers that the tokenizer vs the parser.
Let’s revisit the documentation first though
Before we proceed further it’s important to mention that the documentation at the time of reporting the finding mentioned the following thing:
Security Considerations
Care should be taken when parsing and interpreting HTML, whether full documents or fragments, within the framework of the HTML specification, especially with regard to untrusted inputs.
If your use case requires semantically well-formed HTML, as defined by the WHATWG specification, the parser should be used rather than the tokenizer.
Reimplementing the IsSafe
check using the Parser
Let’s quickly change the implementation to use the parser rather than the Tokenizer to follow the documentation.
func IsSafe(content io.Reader) bool {
parsed, err := html.ParseFragment(content, nil)
if err != nil {
return false
for _, el := range parsed {
if !isNodeSafe(el) {
return false
return true
func isNodeSafe(node *html.Node) bool {
if node == nil {
return true
if len(node.Attr) != 0 {
return false
if node.Type == html.ElementNode {
// Parse and ParseFragment will inject html, head, and body.
// We'll allow these tags for the sake of simplicity, you'd normally want to filter them out.
if node.Data != "strong" && node.Data != "html" && node.Data != "head" && node.Data != "body" {
return false
return isNodeSafe(node.NextSibling) && isNodeSafe(node.FirstChild)
--- FAIL: TestIsSafe (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestIsSafe/<strong>test</strong> (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestIsSafe/<script>test</script> (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestIsSafe/<script/>test (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestIsSafe/<b>test</b> (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestIsSafe/<strong_onclick="">test</strong> (0.00s)
--- FAIL: TestIsSafe/<script_=">alert(1)</script> (0.00s)
exit status 1
As we can see using the Parser in place of Tokenizer doesn’t change the outcome. The code is still vulnerable.
Appealing the response
At this point I thought the documentation needs changes as it’s clearly dangerous.
One thing to ponder: should unclear documentation be considered a security risk?
So I replied with the following:
Thank you for the reply.
I only partially agree with the explanation provided.
The documentation for the html package states that it implements a html5-compliant Tokenizer and Parser. The tokenization/parsing specification is clearly defined behind so any discrepancy between the implementation of html.Tokenizer/Parser and the specification should be fixed. The current implementation violates the state defined in and more specifically how EQUALS SIGN (=) is handled.
Moreover, the same holds true for the Parser. As the Parser uses the Tokenizer that this issue was filed against, the input is parsed incorrectly (the script tag is not visible in the tree). The security considerations may suggest that just using the Parser without Rendering the result back may be enough to avoid this class of issues. The Parser is also unwieldy to use for this kind of purpose as it will return full html document with body and html tags, which are undesired and not reflective of what the user has provided.
Recently introduced Security Considerations seem to contradict the compliance of the parser/tokenizer and only shift the responsibility to consumers of the library rather than fixing the underlying issues.
I believe it’s paramount that the parser/tokenizer remains compliant with the specification. Any slippage in this regard may result in unforeseen security issues.
In light of these considerations, I think the issues raised in the report should be reconsidered.
Thank you again for your reply and for your commitment to the development of the library.
Google reopened the issue and assigned it a fairly high priority and severity:

And followed up with the following reward ;)

With the explanation below:
After consulting with the Golang team, we believe there is no security issue here. The recommendation from the team is that if the tokenizer is to be used as a filtering mechanism (e.g. here - to reject XSS payloads), one should use the tokenizer output, and not the original input - in this case the tokenizer would not emit the script tag. Using it in a way that is presented in a POC can - and does - introduce a security issue, but the tokenizer is not at fault here.
Please note that the fact that this issue is not being rewarded does not mean that the product team won’t fix the issue. We have filed a bug with the product team. They will review your report and decide if a fix is required. We’ll let you know if the issue was fixed.
Documentation Update
I found the initial explanation a bit unsatisfactory, not because I wasn’t awarded any bounty, but because the documentation problem has been swept under the rug. Fortunately, a few days after the message was sent the repo saw the commit titled html: another shot at security doc where they added the following section:
+ In security contexts, if trust decisions are being made using the tokenized or
+ parsed content, the input must be re-serialized (for instance by using Render or
+ Token.String) in order for those trust decisions to hold, as the process of
+ tokenization or parsing may alter the content.
This wording is clear and concise - kudos to the team.
While the report was marked as fixed, the core issue was still not addressed.
How to properly sanitize HTML
Instead of validating whether the input provided is safe or not, we should construct the HTML ourselves in the following manner.
func Sanitize(content io.Reader) string {
var builder strings.Builder
tok := html.NewTokenizer(content)
for {
tt := tok.Next()
token := tok.Token()
switch tt {
case html.StartTagToken, html.SelfClosingTagToken, html.EndTagToken:
name := token.Data
token.Attr = nil
if name != "strong" {
case html.ErrorToken:
return builder.String()
case html.TextToken:
The Token.String()
method is much simpler and consistent, therefore much less prone to introducing security issues.
The bug has been fixed!
A couple of months later I spotted an interesting looking commit in the net/html
tree again:
Apply the correct normalization when an equals sign appears before an attribute name (e.g. ‘<tag =>’ -> ‘<tag =="">’), per WHATWG
--- PASS: TestIsSafe (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestIsSafe/<strong>test</strong> (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestIsSafe/<script>test</script> (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestIsSafe/<script/>test (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestIsSafe/<b>test</b> (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestIsSafe/<strong_onclick="">test</strong> (0.00s)
--- PASS: TestIsSafe/<script_=">alert(1)</script> (0.00s)
ok 0.002s
… or has it?
Let’s run the fuzz test again after the fix was introduced:
$ go test -fuzz=FuzzTokenize -run=^$
fuzz: elapsed: 0s, gathering baseline coverage: 0/434 completed
fuzz: elapsed: 0s, gathering baseline coverage: 434/434 completed, now fuzzing with 20 workers
fuzz: minimizing 37-byte failing input file
fuzz: elapsed: 0s, minimizing
--- FAIL: FuzzTokenize (0.30s)
--- FAIL: FuzzTokenize (0.00s)
lexbor_test.go:65: length mismatch:
lexbor =[{Name:a Type:StartTag}],
net =[]
not equal, input: <A/=">
It’s fair to say the test suite in the library is not sufficient to catch those issues.
We hit a different edge case, but that’s a story for another post. In short there’s a a report and a PR waiting to be merged.
- Differential fuzzing is a powerful tool that can detect business logic issues or vulnerabilities.
- Documentation is a valuable resource, but it’s essential to not follow it blindly. Validate and cross-check the information if you’re working in a security-context.
- Any library including the standard library is most likely not bug-free.
- When implementing any algorithm that is defined by a specification then that’s what should be implemented. If it’s a state machine make a state machine. Don’t try to be smart.
- Whenever tokenizing any input, especially in security-critical contexts, it’s best practice to re-serialize the input. This step ensures trust decisions remain valid.
Date | Activity |
Feb 26, 2023 | VRP report submission |
Mar 10, 2023 | Report status: Won’t Fix |
Mar 22, 2023 | Appeal initiated |
Apr 12, 2023 | Report closed once more |
Apr 29, 2023 | Documentation receives an update |
Jun 20, 2023 | Fix introduced for EQUAL signs within attributes |
Oct 24, 2023 | Publication of this post after prolonged procrastination |