I’m not that much of a frontend guy, but I was encouraged by the technology pace used in browsers to play with it. My goal was simple - create a website that imitates a native app. I didn’t have any brilliant ideas at the time therefore my choice fell on a simple student app for my school featuring:

  • Timetable (group filtered) (the original plan is in excel format)
  • Lucky number - every student in a group has it’s number assigned based on alphabetical order of his name and every day a number is drawn resulting in some protection from lack of homework and small unannounced exams
  • News scraped from school’s website rss
  • Teachers quotes - students have made a facebook page which stores funny teacher statements

I needed a backend for it, and it’s what this article is all about.

Making choices

I didn’t want to use technology I know well. The biggest wrinkle was parsing the timetable. I was googling about parsing xls files and stumbled upon google sheets. My question was how am I going to extract parsed data, the answer was simple: Apps Script Execution API. It’s free and lets you execute any script you create. That meant I could use forms to enter lucky-number (it’s drawn by hand every morning so I can’t do much about it) so I didn’t have to waste time on creating UI, authentication and implementing xls parsers.


Google Apps Scripts are not guaranteed to have a constant uptime and low latency. Therefore it’s not recommended to use it in production environment for serious projects.

Writing scripts

First and foremost you need to create a Google Apps Script project. You can do this by going to your google drive, connecting Google Apps Script in New -> More -> Connect more apps tab and creating an apps script afterwards like any other document.

The spreadsheet reference can be found here

All scripts I’ve created for the student app are located on project’s github repository.

I’ve picked a lucky number one, as it’s fairly straight-forward and has a dirty workaround for form authentication: I simply made an additional validation field (Do not name it password though, that will result in banning your form automatically).

//Google forms can't be protected, so we decided to add additional password field
var password = "";
var luckyNumber = SpreadsheetApp.openById("10RW_TNyLvqrueEiBxcmob4SbJEsJU9S5UWpG6Tj6a1I").getSheets()[0];

 * Gets latest lucky number
function getLuckyNumber() {
  for (var i = luckyNumber.getLastRow(); i > 0; i--) {
    var range = luckyNumber.getRange(i, 1, 1, 3).getValues();
    if (range[0][2] != password) {
    return JSON.stringify({
      date: new Date(range[0][0]).getTime(),
      number: parseInt(range[0][1])

As you can see the script is pretty straight-forward:

  • It gets the form answer sheet
  • Loops through answers from the end and picks the latest one with correct password there is
  • Takes the timestamp and value of the form submitted and encodes it to JSON string

The JSON string is being returned Apps Script Execution API basically forwards it to the execution request.

I won’t cover configuring a project in developers console, but you need to enable Google Apps Script Execution API and set up Credentials for Other.

Proxifying requests

Executing any function in our script requires us to be authenticated. To do that we will some kind of a authentication proxy.

I went with go and created pretty simple app based on the example found in execution api docs.

I’ve created a simple wrapper to easily add new endpoints with input validation and so forth.

tt := &Proxy{
	Service: srv,
	Script:  scriptID,
	Name:    "getTimetable",
	Params: map[string]Middleware{
		"group": func(group string) (interface{}, error) {
			//Group validation
			return group, nil
// "group" is the included parameter
router.GET("/timetable/group/:group", tt.Handle)

It works pretty well, you can check it out here: vapi.maciekmm.net/timetable/group/IIID

The Proxy code due to Google generating their API is terrible in terms of design.


It was a fun project. Using Google Apps Scripts and Execution API while fun cannot be applied in professional environment as latency which varies from 500ms to over 1s and uptime aren’t great.

There was little code, I managed to develop the whole app in 10-15 hours which given the fact I’ve never used vue.js nor Google Apps Scripts is from my perspective a good result.

Using Google Sheets also made it stupid easy to make graphs from for instance lucky-number appearence frequency which … is cool, isn’t it?

Lucky Number appearance frequency

I have a feeling the person drawing the number has 19 /s

The finished product can be found here: vlo.maciekmm.net, your eyes may hurt from viewing this on desktop thus I encourage you to view it either on your mobile phone or shrink the viewport in developer console of some sort.